* This interview touches on the content of the film. Please be aware if you wish to view the film as intended for the audience.
2022年春に完成予定の短編映画「YORIKO-ヨリコ 」で監督を務めるモアンドロン マチュ氏にインタビュー。今回の作品にかける想いや、東北のクリエイター達と共作する意味、伝えたいメッセージなど、様々なお話を伺いました。
Q なぜこの映画をつくろうと思ったのですか?
Q Why did you decide to make this film?
I've always had a complex about being different from others, and it was hard for me to live. However, I loved movies, and they always took me to a beautiful world. That's why I've always had the dream of directing my films.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent more than two years in a completely different daily life compared to before. Seeing everyone worldwide suffering for the past two years has given me the passion for making a film from the bottom of my heart. At the same time, I had good encounters with creators in Tohoku, and I felt as if God told me, "It's time."
Q 監督の周囲に認知症の人がいたのでしょうか?
Q Were there dementia patients around you?
ちなみにこの映画のタイトル「ヨリコ 」は、妻のおばあちゃんの名前をつけました。
My grandmother had dementia. I was young when she got dementia, so I don't remember the symptoms. However, I do remember that it was very sad that she passed away soon after she got dementia.
My wife's grandmother also got dementia. Because of the Great East Japan earthquake, her house in Kesennuma has washed away, cutting off communication with her neighbors. Although this may not have been the direct cause, she might have developed dementia and passed away. The death of her two grandmothers led me to think about the core of this theme.
By the way, the title of this movie, "Yoriko," was named after my wife's grandmother.
Q 主演の小野寺ずるさんの第一印象はどんな感じでしたか?
Q What were your first impressions of the lead actress, Ms. Zuru Onodera?
I thought her face, especially her eyes, was striking. I offered her the leading role because I thought she would be perfect. When I honestly told her about this, she was delighted (laughs).
Q この映画で最も注力していることは何ですか?
Q What do you focus on in this film the most?
I have been living in Tohoku for almost 20 years now. I've always wanted to make films and art. Still, no matter who I talked to about it, I was always told, "There's no work like this in Tohoku. If you want to do it, you should go to Tokyo, and your work should be more normal."
What's normal? I've always questioned.
I want to create an environment where anything is possible in Tohoku, no matter how rural it is.
I also wanted this film would be the start for creators in Tohoku who have the same will.
Q この作品で、人々にどういうメッセージを伝えたいですか?
Q What message do you want to tell the audience?
「LIFE IS SHORT」ですね。人生はいつ何が起こるかわからないし、すぐに終わっちゃう。それは東日本大震災の時もコロナの今も強く思ったことです。好きな人たちと会えないまま、悲しい別れもたくさんあったし、そういう話もたくさん聞きました。だから、生きている間に好きな人を大切にしたいし、してほしい。
"LIFE IS SHORT. " You never know what happens in your life. I felt this more strongly after the Great East Japan earthquake and this COVID-19 pandemic. There were many sad goodbyes, not seeing the people I love, and I heard many stories like that. That's why I want you to take care of the people you love while they are still alive.
Human beings cannot live without being connected, and I'm happy if you want to see your loved ones after watching this film.
<インタビュー :岡沼美樹恵>
撮影 / 監督:モアンドロン マチュ
1978 年 フランス生まれ
1998 年 パリ第七大学入学 映像美術専攻
2000 年 パリにて映像会社「KRIZALID」設立
2006 年 来日。仙台の広告プロダクションで多くの広告や C M を撮影
2018 年 独立。現在は仙台を拠点にフリーランスフォト・ビデオグラファーとして活動中
2018 年 東京インターナショナル・フォト・アワード 2018 ブロンズ賞 受賞
2019 年 VOGUE イタリア主宰 PHOTOVOGUE「Pic of the day」受賞
2020 年 VOGUE イタリア主宰 PHOTOVOGUE「Best of」受賞